Next Level Marijuana Growth
Achieving large marijuana growth can take some practice, however, follow our tips and you will be growing monster marijuana plants in no time!
If you’ve ever wondered what some growers do to get their monster yields, you’re in luck. Today we’ll go over two of the surprisingly simple tricks you can use to maximize the yield from your marijuana growth, whether you’re a seasoned grower or a first-time amateur.
The first tip for achieving some extra monstrous marijuana growth in your cannabis grow requires a touch of patience, as you’ll be lengthening your grow time a bit to achieve the best results. Other than being a bit more patient, though, this is a very simple, easy and practically free method of maximizing your cannabis yield. To start with, you’ll grow your seedlings or clones through their regular vegetative phase with no special changes; just plant them and let them veg for 6 – 8 weeks or however long you usually would.
Now, when you’re plants are 6 – 8 weeks into veg, or about 8 – 12 inches tall, you can induce flowering. Change the light cycles and start giving your plants 12 hours light, 12 hours dark, but don’t adjust their nutrient blend too drastically. After 2 – 3 weeks in the flowering stage, switch your plants back to your vegetative light cycle. It will take 1 – 2 weeks for them to fully kick back into vegetative growth, but once they do the growth will take off.
Let your plants vegetate for another 4 – 6 weeks, then commence flowering as you usually would and watch your little monsters explode into bud. This whole process will extend your grow time by 4 – 6 weeks, potentially longer depending on how long you choose to keep the plants in each stage of growth.
Super Cropping for Large Marijuana Growth
Another popular method among some growers is the practice of super-cropping. This method is a bit brutal, and is part of a class of high stress training techniques (HST) that rely on damaging your plants while they are growing in order to take advantage of their resilience and healing capabilities. By comparison, there are low stress training techniques (LST) that many growers use to achieve similar results without the harsh damage to the plants, but that is a topic for another article.
To use super-cropping as a method on your plants, you’ll want to start with healthy vegetating plants. Don’t try to super-crop a plant that is ill, afflicted with disease, nutritionally deficient or infested with bugs; all those factors stress your plants, so preforming something like the HST super-cropping technique at that time will only slow your plant’s growth, and might even kill it.
So start with healthy plants in the vigorous stage of their growth; don’t try super-cropping just a week or two before you intend to flower. Your plants should have several sets of healthy branches; the limbs you choose for super-cropping should still be fairly new, green growth that is reasonably soft as opposed to older growth that is harder and woodier in texture.
Identify the main cola or colas of your plant, and choose the one(s) you intend to super-crop. If there is only one main cola, then you will want to super-crop it near the top of its growth, where the main limb is still relatively new and soft. Now grasp the limb you wish to super-crop firmly between your thumb and forefingers.
The trick here is to apply enough pressure to crush the stem slightly, and while continuing to apply this pressure evenly you will gently bend and twist the limb. When possible, bend or twist your limb in the direction that you wish to have the plant grow.
Wait until your hear a small pop or feel a break in the inner stem, and then gently release and leave the limb bend in the direction you desire the growth to go. If you damage the outer skin of the limb too much during this process, use a piece of duct tape to bandage the wound and support the plant for 1 – 2 weeks while it heals the super-cropped area.
The advantages of super-cropping include a smaller, more compact and bushier plant, which is ideal for indoor growing or that stealth closet grow you have. Super-cropping also allows you to develop more branches, with more light, thus yielding more bud.
Tips for Monster Marijuana Growth